Coronavirus and China’s Decision-Making in a Crisis

Coronavirus and China’s Decision-Making in a Crisis

Modern China’s crisis decision-making has historically been characterized as a balancing act between preventing a negative escalation of the situation and advancing key interests. In terms of an outbreak, this means both addressing the situation to mitigate its negative outputs (both disease and non-disease) and reducing the CCP leadership’s exposure to public criticism at home and abroad…

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3 Reasons You NEED To Know Crisis Management Best Practices

3 Reasons You NEED To Know Crisis Management Best Practices

The reality is that you’re bound face situations that could easily become crises constantly, and some of these situations will become a true threat to your reputation, and your bottom line. Understanding the risks and opportunities in these situations can make or break your organization, but to capitalize the right way – and with the necessary speed – you need to know what you’re doing in advance!

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5 Strategies On How Your Brand Should Handle A Product Recall

5 Strategies On How Your Brand Should Handle A Product Recall

Most companies would see a recalled product as a death sentence for their business, but smart brands should see it as an opportunity. Through fighting the fire in the aftermath of the recall using attentive PR strategies, a path can be found to build positive relationships with unsatisfied customers and build customer loyalty within your brand.

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What’s in Your Corporate Crisis Survival Kit?

What’s in Your Corporate Crisis Survival Kit?

Planning for something not guaranteed to happen can be difficult; however, the likelihood of a recall at your organization is high, as is a loss in market value without a bullet proof plan to deal with disaster. Denial and inertia during a recall will only aggravate a negative situation. Being prepared for a crisis gives you the best chance of protecting your brand and allows your reaction to be concise, credible and effective…

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Marketpoint Recall & Recall Results... a powerful partnership for global coverage

Marketpoint Recall & Recall Results... a powerful partnership for global coverage

An increasing number of recalls that appear in the media these days have one common factor: the companies involved just weren’t ready. A product recall can be one of the most detrimental events for a company and can have overwhelming consequences for both the company, its customers and the brand. That is why having an experienced partner, a robust, up-to-date recall plan, and access to global communication channels, is so critically important in a crisis situation.

Marketpoint Recall and Recall Results therefore assist companies before, during and after a crisis to minimise this damage - companies can rely on us to deliver rapid response support in the field, with sophisticated technology and a dedicated team to navigate and shorten the recovery process anywhere in the world.

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How brands are using AI to avoid a social media crisis

How brands are using AI to avoid a social media crisis

“Brands can no longer simply monitor news feeds to stay ahead of breaking news and trends.”

— Neil Steinberg, vice president of public relations and communications sales at Dataminr

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AI and its Impact on Sales and Marketing | Peter Gillett Interview with Neal Howard @TalkersFM

AI and its Impact on Sales and Marketing | Peter Gillett Interview with Neal Howard @TalkersFM

The reality is that marketing has become much more complex, more digital of course and there are lots of specialists handling different aspects of social media and marketing automation and customer journey and so on. In a way marketing people have moved further and further away from working with sales teams so we have a few exceptions where AI can be used really well to monitor activities coming through from the web, linking that through to CRM systems to quote the Founder of Eloquent, that whole process of monitoring someone’s digital body language is still absolutely relevant today.

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Strategise to minimise #BrandDamage

Strategise to minimise #BrandDamage

Crises may be inevitable, but how it is how they are handled that makes a massive difference. Research shows that companies today have an 82% chance of experiencing a corporate disaster of some kind, which, within a 5 year period, can result in a 20% loss of market value. 20 years ago, the likelihood was just 20%, an evident consequence of our evolving digital world and free flow of information that can spread so rapidly

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Marketpoint Recall Partners with U.S.-based Recall Results to Better Service Clients on International Stage

Marketpoint Recall Partners with U.S.-based Recall Results to Better Service Clients on International Stage

“European based recall response specialist, Marketpoint Recall, announces its partnership with U.S. - based Recall Results to provide global services. Marketpoint Recall is known for delivering product recall services to clients throughout Europe & Asia, while similarly Recall Results is recognized for handling product recalls throughout North America.”

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Your Recall Task Force

Your Recall Task Force

Your Recall Task Force

These are the people who jump into action in the event of a crisis. Your recall task force are the inside experts to help guide through every aspect of the product recall. Their overall knowledge of the company and the recall process is imperative to ensure that a product recall is handled efficiently, effectively and with minimal brand damage.  

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Crisis Management – Reduce impact on your brand

Crisis Management – Reduce impact on your brand

It’s all very well being told to 'keep calm and carry on' in the face of a crisis, but when it's your company involved, your team, stakeholders and customers will undoubtedly be stressed and concerned. It is likely that a plan of action will be needed immediately and a team to be sprung in to action to execute it, things will be getting tough for a while…

Did you know there are ways you can reduce the negative effect a crisis can have on your brand and company? Although we all hope that such preparation won’t be needed, should the dreaded day come, you’ll be thankful that you had the basics in place to ensure the crisis was handled in the right way and with as little brand impact as possible. The 3 steps highlighted below should be implanted as part of you crisis contingency plan. Top tip: Forward planning is key. 

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Product Recalls: Lets get Digital

Product Recalls: Lets get Digital

Moving with the times

With so many aspects of organisations moving away from paper and into the digital age, it seems that the management of product recalls hasn’t quite kept up. A product recall is a serious task for any company to undertake. They therefore deserve the same technical considerations and process management as other areas of the business, instead of being managed with outdated processes such as spreadsheets and paper responses.

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