What is Recall Ready?
Make sure you're assembled and ready to go when the recall or crisis siren is raised.
The Marketpoint Recall Ready Package is a comprehensive contingency service that prepares companies for the unexpected occurrence of a recall or crisis. We work with you to have the core infrastructure planned, from team roles and IT all the way through to telephony systems and processes for response handling. If a recall becomes a possibility. Being Recall Ready will put you back in the driving seat of your recall.
We've got you covered
Make sure you’re Recall Ready and fully resourced in each of the key areas:
Central team identified & key executives briefed and processes documented
Designated in country telephone numbers ready to go
Phone lines and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) set up with local language recordings
Cloud based database telephony setup for central control with global reach
Specialist Cloud CRM for central data control and management dashboards. Real time response updates and simplified progress reports
Contact data fully audited and enhanced to comply with GDPR legislation.
Communication plan and process mapping
Digital approach ensures fast, streamlined response handling and end to end reporting: Digital messaging, click-thru and web form response handling, all tracked with dynamic dashboards and reporting on our cloud based CRM system.
Marketpoint Account Manager in place to provide central co-ordination and ensures that your team is kept up to date and fully rehearsed and ready to go
Multilingual Call Centre Agents available with ability to ramp up capacity as needed
Social Media monitoring and response
Mock recall program to run through whole communication process from initial call to executive reporting
Access to network of subject matter experts and consultants