Strategise to minimise #BrandDamage

Strategise to minimise #BrandDamage

Crises may be inevitable, but how it is how they are handled that makes a massive difference. Research shows that companies today have an 82% chance of experiencing a corporate disaster of some kind, which, within a 5 year period, can result in a 20% loss of market value. 20 years ago, the likelihood was just 20%, an evident consequence of our evolving digital world and free flow of information that can spread so rapidly

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Your Recall Task Force

Your Recall Task Force

Your Recall Task Force

These are the people who jump into action in the event of a crisis. Your recall task force are the inside experts to help guide through every aspect of the product recall. Their overall knowledge of the company and the recall process is imperative to ensure that a product recall is handled efficiently, effectively and with minimal brand damage.  

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7 Steps of Crisis Communications - Prepare for a recall

7 Steps of Crisis Communications - Prepare for a recall

Find out the 7 steps of effective crisis communications in this Infographic. Today, with millions of products being manufactured in and marketed to hundreds of countries, it is inevitable that not all products will meet consumer or other regulatory or legislative standards. Some will need to be recalled from the market.

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