Strategise to minimise #BrandDamage

Strategise to minimise #BrandDamage

Crises may be inevitable, but how it is how they are handled that makes a massive difference. Research shows that companies today have an 82% chance of experiencing a corporate disaster of some kind, which, within a 5 year period, can result in a 20% loss of market value. 20 years ago, the likelihood was just 20%, an evident consequence of our evolving digital world and free flow of information that can spread so rapidly

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Crisis Management – Reduce impact on your brand

Crisis Management – Reduce impact on your brand

It’s all very well being told to 'keep calm and carry on' in the face of a crisis, but when it's your company involved, your team, stakeholders and customers will undoubtedly be stressed and concerned. It is likely that a plan of action will be needed immediately and a team to be sprung in to action to execute it, things will be getting tough for a while…

Did you know there are ways you can reduce the negative effect a crisis can have on your brand and company? Although we all hope that such preparation won’t be needed, should the dreaded day come, you’ll be thankful that you had the basics in place to ensure the crisis was handled in the right way and with as little brand impact as possible. The 3 steps highlighted below should be implanted as part of you crisis contingency plan. Top tip: Forward planning is key. 

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Crisis Management – Reduce impact on your brand

Crisis Management – Reduce impact on your brand

Did you know there are ways you can reduce the negative effect a crisis can have on your brand and company? Although we all hope that such preparation won’t be needed, should the dreaded day come, you’ll be thankful that you had the basics in place to ensure the crisis was handled in the right way and with as little brand impact as possible. The 3 steps highlighted below should be implanted as part of you crisis contingency plan. Top tip: Forward planning is key. 

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How to ease the pain of a potential crisis using digital tools

How to ease the pain of a potential crisis using digital tools

Find out how digital tools could be your saviour when handing a crisis. Effectively strategising to prevent or at least minimise the negative impact of a crisis could lead to two very different outcomes. Fire-fighting without a plan of action and rushing into significant operational decisions can leave your company extremely vulnerable.  

Crisis communication has changed considerably since the arrival of the digital world and now we face more challenges than ever as the online world continues to advance. What might start out as a local issue can spread like wildfire turning into a viral global concern within hours,  companies are now expected to respond at the speed of light and knowing the right thing to say and when, holds huge significance when trying to minimise brand limitation.

“69% of crises spread internationally within 24 hours and on average reach 11 countries” and “28% of crises spread internationally within 1 hour”

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7 Steps of Crisis Communications - Prepare for a recall

7 Steps of Crisis Communications - Prepare for a recall

Find out the 7 steps of effective crisis communications in this Infographic. Today, with millions of products being manufactured in and marketed to hundreds of countries, it is inevitable that not all products will meet consumer or other regulatory or legislative standards. Some will need to be recalled from the market.

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